Established in 1961
Nottinmgham Castle by Charles Wilkinson
NOTTINGHAM CASTLE. A coloured chromolithograph vignette view taken from a photograph by Hudson. 5 1.2 x 7 3/4 inches. Good condition.
Newstead Abbey by Charles Wilkinson
NEWSTEAD ABBEY. A coloured chromolithograph vignette after a photograph by G. W. Wilson & Co. Aberdeen. 8 x 5 1/4 inches. Good condition
Newstead Abbey by Charles Wilkinson
NEWSTEAD ABBEY, NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. FORMERLY THE RESIDENCE OF LORD BYRON. A small hand coloured steel engraved view in an ivory tint sunk mount. Good condition.
From: Thomas Dugdale's Curiosities of Great Britain. England & Wales Delineated
Radford Folly
Price: 12.00
Radford Folly Nottinghamshire
Price: 12.00
Radford Folly near Nottinghamshire
Price: 12.00
Radford Folly near Nottingham
Price: 12.00
Welbeck Abbey Nottingham
Price: 17.00
Newark Church Nottinghamshire
Price: 19.00
Clumber Nottinghamshire
Price: 14.50
Clumber Nottinghamshire
Price: 12.00 Pale green sunk mount