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Richard Nicholson of Chester

A World of Antique Maps and Prints

James Pepper reading

Established in 1961

Views of England, Wales and Scotland


Born in Copenhagen, Denmark on 6th July, 1922
A watercolourist, graphic artist and book illustrator
A versatile artist with an individual style.

A series of colour prints
Paper size for most of the prints is 16 1/2 x 12 inches.
The vignette views vary in size but are about 11 x 7 inches

Special Offer

10 different Mads Stage Prints (my choice) - 40.00

Eastgate Street, Chester
Eastgate Street, Chester
Eastgate Street, Chester


  • The Eastgate, Chester. Mads Srage

    The Eastgate, Chester. Mads Srage

SE43 The Eastgate, Chester. Price: 12.00

Chester, one of the most important Roman military bases in the country as the headquarters of the famous 20th Legion, known as Valeria Victrix. Its latin name, Deva means 'holy place' honoured the goddess of the River Dee. Raised, coverered galleries, known as Rowse date back to the 13th century and are peculiar to Chester. The Jubilee Clock was given to the town by Edward Evans-Lloyd to mark Queen Victoria's Jubilee of 1897.

Special Offer

2 Copies of this Print - 10.00 Each

3 Copies of this Print - 9.00 Each

5 Copies of this Print - 7.00 Each

  • Chester in Victorian Times

    Chester in Victorian Times

SE42 Chester Cathedral in Victorian times. Price: 10.00

Special Offer

2 Copies of this Print - 9.00 Each

3 Copies of this Print - 8.00 Each

5 Copies of this Prints - 5.00 Each

  • St. Werburgh Street, Town Hall and Cathedral Gardens, Chester

    St. Werburgh Street, Town Hall and Cathedral Gardens, Chester

SE51 St. Werburgh Street, Town Hall and Cathedral Gardens, Chester. Price: 11.00

Founded nearly 2000 years ago by the Romans, Chester boats some of the richest archaeological and architectural treasures in Britain. It is the only city in England to have preserved its Roman and medieval walls in their entirety and today they provide a circular 2 mile circuit walk offering great views of the city and surrounding countryside. The medieval town once flourished as a trading post until silting of the Dee during the 15th century brought decline in trade prosperity. The beautiful sandstone cathedral dates from the 14th century but perhaps the source of the city's distinctive character comes from the black and white timbered buildings and galleried tiers of shops known as The Rows.

Special Offer

2 Copies of this Print - 9.00 Each

3 Copies of this Print - 8.00 Each

5 Copies of this Print - 6.00 Each


  • Dove Cottage, William Wordworths home

    Dove Cottage, William Wordworths home

SE60 Dove Cottage, William Wordworths home 1799-1808. Price: 8.00

Dove Cottage was formerly an inn called 'The Dove and Olive Bough'. The cottage was home to William and Dorothy Wordsworth from 1799 to 1808. It was here he wrote Michael, Resolution and Independence , Ode: Intimations of Immortality and completed The Prelude (1805). The daily life of the pot and his family is recorded in his sister Dorothy's famous Journals. There were many literary visitors to Dove Cottage including Sir Walter Scott, Robert Southey, Coleridge and Thomas de Quincey. De Quincey described the cottage as "gleaming in the midst of trees, with a vast and seemingly never ending series of ascents rising above it".


  • Clarence House London

    Clarence House London

SE58 Clarence House, from the Mall, London. Price: 12.00

Gracious stuccoed house for William, Duke of Clarence, by John Nash on the site of his old lodgings. It was finished in 1828. In 1830 William became King and, because Buckingham Palace was not finished he continued to live there. He tried St. James's Palace for a time, but found there was so little room that he and his Queen had to move all their books and letters out of the rooms before levees. So a passage to connect the palace with Clarence House was built. On King William's death in 1837 Princess Augusta, George III's daughter, took the house until her own death three years later.

  • Wellington Arch London

    Wellington Arch London

SE39 Wellington Arch, the Screen and Aspley House. Price: 12.00

Gracious stuccoed house for William, Duke of Clarence, by John Nash on the site of his old lodgings. It was finished in 1828. In 1830 William became King and, because Buckingham Palace was not finished he continued to live there. He tried St. James's Palace for a time, but found there was so little room that he and his Queen had to move all their books and letters out of the rooms before levees. So a passage to connect the palace with Clarence House was built. On King William's death in 1837 Princess Augusta, George III's daughter, took the house until her own death three years later.

  • Cornwall Terrace London

    Cornwall Terrace London

SE40 Cornwall Terrace, Regent's Park, London. Price: 11.00

  • Chiswick House London

    Chiswick House London

SE37 Chiswick House, Burlington Lane, London. Price: 11.00

The villa was built in 1735 - 9 to plans by the Earl of Burlington in the Palladian style which he introduced to London. Above the low ground floor there is a tall upper storey with a colonnaded portico reached by a double staircase at either side. The interior is by W. Kent. Features include the octagonal domed central hall and the gallery which has a frescoed ceiling and is in white and gold.

Framed view of Pulteney Bridge, Bath by Mads Stage
Framed print of Stokesay Castle, Shropshire by Mads Stage
Eastgate Street, Chester


  • Iron Bridge across the Severn

    Iron Bridge across the Severn

SE62 The Iron Bridge across the River Severn. Price: 11.00

The little town of Ironbridge is set on steep limestone slopes above a narrow gorge through which the River Severn flows. Ironbridge has become famous because the first iron bridge was built here in 1779. It surely must be the most beautiful monument there is to the Industrial Revolution, which had its birth in the surrounding area. The bridge was designed by F. F. Pritchard and case in 1774 at Abraham Darby's foundry in Coalbrookdale

  • Stokesay Castle

    Stokesay Castle

SE55 Stokesay Castle. Price: 11.00

Stokesay Castle is one of the earliest fortified manor houses in England - the oldest parts of which date from the 12th century and the great hall from the 13th century. It is an extraordinary structure with its massive stone towers topped with a timber framed house - and of outstanding interest. The gatehouse itself is a fascinating architectural relic dating from the 16th century.


  • Bristol by Mads Stage

    Bristol by Mads Stage

SE50 Bristol. Price: 11.00

During the 16th century ships sailed to every part of the known world from the posrt of Bristol, opening up international trading routes. In 1843 Brunel launched his SS Great Britain, the largest iron ship of the time. In 1970 its hulk was rescued from the Falkland Islands and retuned to the Bristol dock. Bristol's many lovely buildings include a cathedral that contains examples of Norman, early-English, gothic and Victorian architecture. The docklands area has been heavily restored with a variety of leisure and entertainment features including the Bristol Exhibition Watershed Arts complex, the Arnolfini Gallery, National Lifeboat Museum and the Industrial and Maritime Heritage Centre.

  • Bristol Suspension Bridge by Mads Stage

    Bristol Suspension Bridge by Mads Stage

SE46 Bristol, Clifton Suspension Bridge. Price: 11.00

  • Dunster


SE52 Dunster. Price: 11.00

The medieval timbered Exmoor village boasts more to see than many a large town. The Norman castle site on a high moated pyramid shaped hill overlooking the one end of the village and at the other end is Conygar Hill Town (1775) a noted landmark for Bristol Channel shipping. The Priory Dovecote, the octagonal yarn market and the packhorse bridge across the River Avill provide a fascinating cross section of architectural styles.

  • Pulteney Bridge

    Pulteney Bridge

SE19 Pulteney Bridge, Bath. Price: 12.00


  • Lichfield Cathedral by Mads Stage

    Lichfield Cathedral by Mads Stage

SE18 Lichfield Cathedral, Staffordshire. Price: 11.00

Framed print of the Corn Exchange, Bury St. Edmunds by Mads Stage
Framed picture of Flatford Mill, Suffolk by Mads Stage
Framed picture of Flatford Mill, Suffolk by Mads Stage


  • Corn Exchange Bury St.EWdmunds

    Corn Exchange Bury St.EWdmunds

SE36 Corn Exchange, Cupole House and The Traverse, Bury St. Edmunds. Price: 12.00

  • Guild Hall Laveneham by Mads Stage

    Guild Hall Laveneham by Mads Stage

SE66 Sixteeth Century Guild Hall, Lavenham. Price: 11.00

  • Flatford Mill by Mads Stage

    Flatford Mill by Mads Stage

SE01 Flatford Mill. Price: 11.00

For ever associated with the great landscape painter John Constable and pictured in so many of his paintings, (particularly 'The Hay Wain'), the mill now belongs to the National Trust. Standing beside the River Stour with its wooden bridge, timbered houses and Willy Lott's white cottage, it presents a scene which has attracted innumerable artists since Constable first painted it in the beginning of the 19th century.


  • Chichester by Mads Stage

    Chichester by Mads Stage

SE65 Chichester. Price: 10.00

For ever associated with the great landscape painter John Constable and pictured in so many of his paintings, (particularly 'The Hay Wain'), the mill now belongs to the National Trust. Standing beside the River Stour with its wooden bridge, timbered houses and Willy Lott's white cottage, it presents a scene which has attracted innumerable artists since Constable first painted it in the beginning of the 19th century.


  • Shakespeare's Birthplace, Stratford

    Shakespeare's Birthplace, Stratford

SE21 Stratford-on-Avon, Shakespeare's Birthplace. Price: 11.00


  • Knaresborough by Mads Stage

    Knaresborough by Mads Stage

SE10 Knaresborough. Price: 11.00

The River Nidd flows through the steep gorge spanned by the 8th century bridge. "High Bridge", on whose banks can be found St. Robert's Cave, home of the 12th century hermit healer. The Prophetess, Mother Shipton, was reputedly born in a cave outside the town in 1488. The twin towers of the main gate and the dungeon are all that remain of the 14th century castle, demolished by the Roundheads in 1646. The chemist's shop in the market square is the oldest in England (est. 1720). The town also has a famous Dropping Well in which objects are turned to stone.

  • Castle Howard Yorkshire

    Castle Howard Yorkshire

SE44 Castle Howard. Price: 11.00

The interior of this early 18th century North Yorkshire stately home is just as spectacular as its magnificent exterior and impressive gardens which are crowned by the elaborate fountain designed for the 1851 Great Exhibition. Completed in 1737 for Charles Howard, third Earl of Carlisle, and designed by Sir John Vanburgh who was later to conceive Blenheim Palace, it remains in the Howard family. In recent years it was used as the setting for the television version of Evelyn Waugh's 'Brideshead Revisited'. Other treasures to be discovered in the 1,00 acre grounds, after passing through the huge pyramid adorned gate house, include two lakes, the Temple of the Four Winds and the Mausoleum. The house itself boasts a fine collection of period costumes.

  • York by Mads Stage

    York by Mads Stage

SE53 York. Price: 10.00

  • York Minster by Mads Stage

    York Minster by Mads Stage

SE53 York. Price: 10.00

  • Fountains Abbey by Mads Stage

    Fountains Abbey by Mads Stage

SE48 Fountans Abbey. 10.00

The most splendid surviving example of a Cistercian Monastery, and also the most beautifully sited. It bestrides a half mile reach of Skeldale, between the quarried face of Rye Bank and the well wooded south side of the river. Its founders were a handful of Benedictines determined to establish a more cultured way of life, discovering the site in 1132. Because clear water sprang from the sheltering rocks, they named their new abode, Fountains. A seven storey tower rising 170 feet dominates the site, the creation of Abbot Huby in the 15th century. At the Dissolution, Fountains was the richest Cistercian prize to fall to Henry VIII.


  • Neath Abbey, Glamorganshire

    Neath Abbey, Glamorganshire

SE27 Neath Abbey. Price: 10.00

The Abbey was founded by Richard Graville in 1130. The wealth it acquired during the 13th century was used to build the present church (1280 - 1330). Described as "the fairest Abbey in Wales" by antiquary John Leland and dissolved in 1539; Neath was bought in the late 16th century by Sir John Herbert who converted the Abbot's house into a country mansion.

Framed view of the North Bridge, Edinburgh by Mads Stage
Framed print of Edinburgh Castle by Mads Stage
Framed view of Princess Street with the Scott Monument by Mads Stage


  • The North Bridge Edinburgh

    The North Bridge Edinburgh

SE64 The North Bridge, Edinburgh. Price: 11.00

First opened in 1772, widened in 1876 and reconstructed in 1877. North Bridge is the most outstanding of the city's many viaducts and spans the ravine between the New Town and the Old. During the 18th century Edinburgh began to expand and so a new town was built on the plans of the young architect James Craig. Princes Street runs arrow-straight at the foot of Castle Rock and was completed in 1805 to form part of the new town started 38 years earlier. In 1822 George IV became the first monarch to visit Edinburgh for almost 200 years. The visit was organised by Sir Walter Scott, whose memorial towers above Princes Street, standing 200 feet high containing niches with statues of 64 characters from Scott's works.

  • Edinburgh Castle by Mads Stage

    Edinburgh Castle by Mads Stage

SE61 Edinburgh Castle. Price: 11.00

Nowdays Edinburgh Castle is a beacon for tourists drawns from all over the world. It hosts ceremonies and festivals but between these visitors can enjoy the splendour and hope to absorb and create in their minds all the history that has occurred there. Viewed from below its situation on top of Castle Rock is awe inspiring. In 1715 the Jacobites came close to claiming the castle just libe Robert the Bruce's mend did some 400 years earlier by scaling the north facing cliffs.

  • Pricess Street Edinburgh

    Pricess Street Edinburgh

SE22 Edinburgh, Princess Street with Scott Monument. Price: 11.00

  • Stirling Castle by Mads Stage

    Stirling Castle by Mads Stage

SE09 Stirling Castle - from the South. Price: 11.00

One of the most important castles in Scotland steeped in history through the ages. The place where Mary Queen of Scots was crowned in 1542. Nestled high on Castle it hill it dominates the surroundng countryside. Over its long hisry since the 1100's it has been a fortress seeing many battles and siegesas well as a royal residence.

  • Eilean Donan Castle

    Eilean Donan Castle

SE63 Eilean Donan Castle. Price: 11.00

This 'picture postcard' castle stands at the meeting place of three lochs, Alsh, Duick and Long. Built by Alexander II of Scotland in 1220 on an island, this MacKenzie stronghold was bombarded and blown up by the English warship Worcester in 1719 when it was being used as a base for Jacobite rising. In 1932 the ruins was rebuilt by the MacRae family and is now open to the public as a clan museum and war memorial.


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I have been buying and selling antique maps and prints since the early 1960's during which time I had a gallery in Watergate Street, Chester for 30 years. I am now able to offer through my websites a personal service to map and print collectors.

Views by Mads Stage - Richard Nicholson